Relationship problems between couples

A married life without quarreling with each other? Impossible. there is no way to avoid conflict or arguments in marital life. Where there is love, there will be complaints and strife. Are there conflicts affecting the relationship between the husband and the wife? Understand then, you have to change your attitude; your approach and your thoughts.  Instead of trying to change your spouse, accept them as they are. 

How to make positive changes in your relationship

To make positive changes in relationships, first, change yourself. Changing yourself will constrain your life partner to need to change the manner in which he associates with you. How to change yourself? Whatever be the problems; you need to know how to make a difference in it. 

10 ways for resolving the conflict between couples

1.Arguments are common in married life

Arguments are common in married life,  how you handle the quarrel, and how you behave in such situations are important.
Often what is happening between spouses? After one quarrel, another quarrel over its name, and so on and so forth. Understand that avoiding conflicts is also your responsibility. The problem will never go away if you insist that the responsibility belongs to your partner.

2. Take the responsibility

If your words or actions hurt your partner, admit it. Apologize to your partner. Apologies have a big place in relationships. It shows that you are respecting your partner's feelings. You know the saying; “give and take respect”. The difference between the couples that stay together and the ones who divorce is the way they repair after conflict. 

3. Recognize and accept the differences

If you want your partner to change, start to accept the spouse the way as they are. Be genuinely interested in learning about why they see or do something different than you realize the fact that everyone is unique in this world. Remember the fact that both are coming from different families having different backgrounds and living styles. Rather than being critical, recognize and accept the differences. Interests may vary according to personality. Recognize and treat each other accordingly. Do not insist that only your part is right.

4. Recognize your side

Honestly ask yourself what is wrong with your own side and try to identify what is the reason behind your misbehavior. Old things can have an impact on behavior. If you are unable to correct yourself, do not hesitate to seek a counselor’s help.

5. Positive communication and family relationship

Speak openly with the partner. Many problems in married life are caused because of poor communication or negative communication between the spouses. Ask openly which behavior is the cause of the problem. Discuss the matter in your friendly times. Then you can correct your misunderstandings and move on. At the same time express your needs with your partner. If a need is not satisfied, it will cause frustration which in turn burst out as anger.

6. Positive nonverbal communication

Love can be expressed not only in words. Body language is important in any relationship. Loving kisses, hugs, touches, and loving looks are all important in marital life. Sometimes a hug will solve all the problems.

7. Love is meant to be expressed

Express your love. If you keep love in your mind, your partner may not be realized it. There should be warm love between the partners. Express it through words or body language like a kiss, hug. If you know your spouse enjoy hugging, hug him two o three times a day. Physical contact can make you feel comfortable and close to your partner. So however long we express those glad and superb emotions towards our accomplices, the more cheerful our relationship with our partner. 

8. Active listening

Be willing to listen to your partner. Problems in most marriages are caused by not listening to the partner's problems and not trying to understand them. Problems can only be solved by controlling anger. Listen patiently to what your partner has to say. Active listening is a strong tool in every relationship. The same is sharing and caring.

9. Trust your partner

Most conflicts between spouses are because of suspicion. Trusting your spouse will give you a feeling of security and support. It makes your life happy. If both are suspicious persons their life will be like living in the middle of a volcano. Doubts and worries, if not shared openly will burst out like volcano which causes irrepairable damage in relationships. Marriage is a bond and trust is the force bring them together. so being honest and transparent in sharing your thoughts and feelings with your partner.

10. No arguements regarding parenting  

The argument regarding the responsibility of children is common among spouses. Parenting is the responsibility of a mother as well as father. Caretaking of children requires more strain, so effort from both sides is required. But never weigh and divide the responsibility. Parenting is in a sense a selfless service. Depending on the situation the responsibilities may be vested more on either mother or father. Enjoy parenting. Never take it as any other duty or compare it with any other duty.

With a little effort and a bit of patience, you can make positive changes in your relationship with your spouse. Even if only one partner is consciously trying to change, any change can bring a difference in the relationship, which can bring positive results. So never wait for the change from the other side, change yourself and make your life happy. 



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