How powerful your thoughts are

Key points

  • Our thoughts create our world
  • Importance of self-talk
  • Power of positive thoughts
  • Thoughts determine our life

Be aware of your thoughts

Do you know how powerful your thoughts are? Are you aware of the sharpness of your thoughts? Thoughts govern us and control us. Thoughts guide us and also lead us to destruction, and hinder us. But most people are not aware of the power of our thoughts.  It is our thoughts that give meaning to every experience and sight in life. Your thoughts are creating your life. You are working according to your thoughts. Sometimes we have unnecessarily postponed our work called procrastination. Our thought is forcing us to procrastinate it. Realize it. You have the freedom to think but choose those you want in your life. Avoid disturbing and destructive thoughts.

Thoughts create our world

Thoughts have no boundaries.  It can travel anywhere; until we give it the freedom to do so. Yes, we are deciding how far our thoughts can go; We can doubt anyone and anything, and think of ourselves as good or bad. Thus thoughts are ubiquitous. But if such open thoughts adversely affect our lives, we must restrict its freedom. No one else can stop our thoughts. We have to draw the line of control for it ourselves. 

Importance of self-talk

The Law of attraction explains the fact that if we keep repeating the same positive or negative thought in our mind, we will get the same positive or negative result. There is an argument that there is no scientific proof behind the law of attraction. But it is true that repeated thinking will affect our work, energy and emotions in the same way and we will get the same result. Here we are giving affirmation statements or self-talk. Continuous negative self-talk will affect us negatively. Use the power of positive self-talk. So start to say;

"I will keep trying"

 "I am a successful person"

 "Physically and mentally I am very strong"

Never say negative statements like; 

 "I can't", "I will fail", "I am a failure"

If you are regularly saying such negative statements, our body and mind will follow that negative statement. If you don’t want those thoughts to become real in your life, stop thinking about that. Continuously saying one thing will affirm that in our mind, and we will get that result. So train to switch negative thoughts to positive thoughts by repeatedly giving positive affirmations, till you can delete that disturbing negative thought.

Power of positive thoughts

There is a saying; thinking before acting is wisdom. But acting before thinking is regret. Any action must be well thought out. You need to think many times before acting. Doing so will bring success. There will be good results. At the same time, if you think that there is no great benefit to doing something before you do it, sometimes it may not work. Consider the story of a father and two sons;

The father divided the barren land between the two children. The eldest son plowed the land he got. He started farming by saying that the land would not be deceived and that gold would grow in it. The paddy seeds germinated well and yielded abundantly. At the same time, his brother reluctantly plowed the field and sowed the paddy, saying that he would not get anything planted in this barren land. Very little paddy germinated and only a few could be harvested. When optimistic farming yields gold, negatively cultivated yields decline.

Lesson learned: Our thoughts can also influence our actions. If you start with a positive thought, the result will be good. Because in that work you will see enthusiasm and energy. At the same time, if you start something with a negative thought, the negative thoughts will keep coming back, it will reduce the urge to work and keep laziness ahead. Not only that, but those thoughts will get in the way. You will leave on the way to work or it will not get a positive result as it is done without energy.

Thoughts determine our life

It is our thoughts that determine what life will be like, whether it is fruitful or bitter. Thoughts, actions and words can make life heaven or hell. Many marriages are ruined by unnecessary thoughts and doubts.  The breakdown of any relationship can be caused by the many meanings we give through our thoughts. We give different meanings to someone's words and interpret them against us. We will interpret other's actions in the way we think. These are negative thoughts. It always leads us in the wrong way. 

In order to make changes in our life experiences, be aware of the following thoughts;

Keep the sweetest memories

When we think about past experiences, those thoughts may hurt or make us happy; It gives us frustration or confidence; It gives us courage or fear. Which thoughts are governing you? Identify and edit – only you can control your thoughts. There might have been bitter and sweet experiences in our life. It is a part of our life. Keep up sweet memories which can make your life happy and comfortable. 

Anxiety about the future

Once a friend called me. Her husband is having problems with his daughter's 10th class result. He always argued that his daughter would lose and would not get admission in any school. But she scored 85% in her exam and got admission to a reputed school. Here you can see, unnecessary thoughts disturbed the peace of the family for several days.

Live in the present

People who keep on thinking about the past and worrying about the future forgets to live in present. We are living in the present. We cannot make a change to our past. But we can make changes to our present experiences, which will give good memories. Instead of worrying about what the future holds, think about what you can do to make the present enjoyable. Just believing that action will bring good results is enough to have positive things and experiences in your life. 

Remember that yesterday has already passed and no one is sure about tomorrow, concentrate on the present

Change your thoughts and change your life

So don't stick on the negative thoughts, you can change your thoughts and so your life experience. Be aware of your thoughts. Is it negative or positive? Once you are aware of your thoughts, you can redirect your mind to thoughts that can bring happiness, peace and comfort in your life.

Be Aware of  your thoughts - it can make your life hell or heaven.


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