What is SELF-confidence?

Key points of this article are; how to develop your self-confidence?,  Recognize and accept yourself, Self talk, Conquer your fear, set goals and do not compare yourself with others

What is self-confidence? To know yourself; recognize your own strength and power; identify your talents, the belief that I can do something - this confidence is the key to success. This is the first step towards success. When you believe in your own ability, your efficiency to do something, you will be motivated to do many things. When you look at your own abilities with skepticism, you may not be able to excel in many areas of life. 

WHY you lost your confidence?

For some time after the birth of a child on this earth, he is completely dependent on his mother. Later he slowly learns to kneel, walk on the pitch and pronounce small words. There will be many setbacks in his path but none of them scare him. Leaping forward with confidence, learning lessons from failures and setbacks. Only later does he lose confidence and fall into crisis. Is it the fear of failure, anxiety and other emotions that overwhelm him?

Confidence is essential in all walks of life. If you want to be well dressed, if you want to cook well, if you want to drive, you need confidence in everything. Even though we can do all these, do we often feel like we are losing confidence and is not able to enjoy life?

 How can we boost our self-confidence?

1. Recognize and accept yourself.

Accept the way you really are. Self-love is an important factor to develop self-confidence. Accepting yourself means accepting your values. "Accept the things that you cannot change and change the things you can" wonderful serenity prayer. Self-acceptance means self-awareness about who you really are. You are aware of your true potentials, strength and weaknesses. If you have self-love you will never fear criticisms. On hearing criticism, you can positively ask," So what?". What matters is not what others say, but "what I think of myself". There is no such thing as a perfect life. If that truth is accepted; only when that consciousness exists does the sense of inferiority disappear. Know the truth that everyone is a unique individual.

2. Conquer your fear.

Fear will erode your confidence. Fear is the enemy of confidence. There is no one who is not afraid. But does it affect your life badly? If you are afraid or ashamed to go in the crowd, do not run away from it, be a part of that crowd. Only through action, you can overcome fear.

Don't fear failure and criticisms

Fear of failure will stop us to move forward in life. Remember your successes in life. Recognize your own strengths. Go ahead and learn from failures and criticisms. Maybe we will fail while doing something. But believe that success comes only through failure. We can learn a lot from our mistakes. Fear will fill your mind with negative thoughts and worries.  If you have positive thinking, there will be gains in life. Negative thoughts can drag us back into life. Always act with optimism and hope. You might have heard the story of Thomas Alwa Edison. He invented the electric bulb after too many experiments and failures. he never gave up his experiment and he stuck to his dream to invent the electrical bulb. Finally, he gains it.

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without faith and confidence.” – Helen Keller

3. Positive self talk 

Our subconscious mind will accept repeated self-talk or statements even if it is positive or negative. Negative statements will be destructive. Fill your mind with constructive thoughts. Instead of saying, “I can’t”, say “I can”. The energy that you gain from positive thoughts is huge. Good thinking and positive affirmations inspire and encourage us. When we say bad things to ourselves, nothing positive happens in our lives. It will destroy confidence.

Affirmations like,

 “I am a courageous person”,

“I am very healthy and strong person”,

“I am very talented person”,

 “My life is filled with love”.

“I am very happy in my life”

Such positive affirmations will boost your confidence.

4. Avoid negative self-talk

Negative self-talk can be very harmful. Individuals with negative thoughts like “I have no potential”, “no beauty to look at”, “no one likes me”, are weak and having low self-esteem. If you doubt that you can’t do something, remember the deeds you have accomplished. It will bring confidence.

5. Set goals

Setting goals are essential for the success of our life. Goals are the motivator to take action and it will motivate you to put your maximum effort into that action. Set small goals that can be achieved in life. Work to make it possible. The joy and the satisfaction that comes from achieving that goal will give you the confidence to work towards the next goal.

6. Do not compare yourself with others

Every person in this world is different. One cannot be like the other. You keep up your individuality. While comparing with others, what you lose is your own identity. This behavior is a human instinct. But many of them will destroy your confidence. It will cause you to develop a variety of negative emotions. They should have an inferiority complex that will kill confidence. Comparisons that inspire you can be beneficial. But recognize it and act on it.

How do you know you are confident?

Self-confidence can be identified from your character, body language, manner of speaking, smiling face, and through what you say. People who interact with you can identify and measure how confident are you. If you are directly looking (direct eye contact) at others and speak by standing straight it will say you are a confident person. A self-confident person knows his strength and weaknesses. Those who interact with confident individuals will get positive energy.

"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face." Helen Keller




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